Wednesday, June 27, 2007

wednesday is the packing day

So, we are down to "the last day." We've said goodbye to almost everyone, and all that's left to do is make some last minute phone calls and re-pack the suitcases, so we are sure that our combined weight is not more than 80 lbs apiece (checked bags). Last night was a great party at Nick's parents' house, with many relatives and some kids to make it lively. One named Glen was about to leave when this conversation happened:

Linda: Glen, say "Bye, Nick, have fun in China!"
Glen: Bye Nick, have fun in China!
Nick: Bye Glen, have fun in America!
Glen: I'm not going to America!!

I hope we meet some kids in China that are fun too.

Speaking of, my friends Marcus and Sarah just had a baby girl on Monday night. I told Sarah she was on the clock and she needed to deliver before I left Gainesville, but she didn't quite make it .. 3 days late!

Off to do some last bits of laundry ..

P.S. This blog may not be updated for up to a couple of weeks after we make it to China due to our having to get it approved by the country director, and China's blocking of However, I will do my best, even if we have to wait on the pictures.

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