Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The elite. The best of the best.

A Poetical Reflection on the Departure of a Compadre...bye Nick
Have a good time, and be happy, be blessed;
and please expedite your return to the west,
where the people are happy unless they're oppressed,
and talking is gratis, unless it's protest,

and airlines are bankrupt, unless they're southwest;
and while you're away I will keep you abreast
of the changes that happen while you're the houseguest
of a reluctant hostess, though I must confess

they're learning so quickly the ways of the rest
of us. You must speak up even if they suppress,
carry Gideon's bibles tied up close to your chest,
and even if you are placed under arrest,

You must witness to China, you must attest
of the betterness--you could say good, better, best,
all mean something less than the word betterness--
of things of which Amerikuhns are possessed:

like blessings, we are all so richly blessed,
no maladies here like the ones that infest
the waste land of wongville, how I have digressed
from a nice benediction to making a footrest

of the apex of Eastness, the best of the rest.
But I hope you'll forgive me if I must process
a certain discomfort, a certain unrest
at the sudden departure of the best of the best

And now my best jokes, my liveliest zest,
will lie fallow, taking a well-deserved rest,
until you return, from the biggest midwest
in the east, to the best

of the best of the best.

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