Saturday, July 21, 2007

Model School & Luo Dai

Today is Saturday -- we finally got to sleep in! We've been very busy this week doing language homework and writing lesson plans for the 'model school' which starts next week. Each of us will be team-teaching (not with each other) for a class of volunteer students every day for the next 3 weeks. The aim is to learn about Chinese classrooms, try out lessons, and get some experience. I (Alison) will be teaching college students though Nick has been assigned Middle School Junior students, which means 14-16 years old. I guess there aren't enough college students around during their summer break to come and volunteer for free English classes for all of us needy volunteers, so they had to dip into the highschool-age. And even though they are younger, they could very well have more English experience than the college students.

I have added some more pictures to our picture website of our visit to Luo Dai ancient town yesterday. We went off the tourist road and up a hill (there were many stairs practically begging us to climb them) to find a graveyard and some great views. It was like a breath of fresh air after being on flat urban land for the past 3 weeks.


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