Tonight at dinner we started to have a familiar conversation: Nick is not eating enough. We learned two things in training: 1) The Chinese like to show hospitality through food, and 2) It might be considered rude to not finish your rice. So, for us, who are hoping the 'Peace Corps diet' of walking in the sun and eating strange foods will help us to keep in shape and maybe lose weight, it is not easy to keep our host family appeased. They give us bowls of rice with about 1 1/2 cups of cooked rice, and they expect it all to be eaten. They often tell Nick that he has eaten too little "tai xiao le," and tonight they (spec. our host mother) went so far as to say that I was behaving (guai) while Nick was not behaving (bu guai). After that there was talk that I should have my mother call Nick's mother so that she could urge him back on the straight and narrow, or to eat all the rice. Then, finally, it all came out. Nick's mother would think that Nick is not taken care of, and she loves him, so he MUST eat all of his rice.
One other thing that happened today is that I gave my email address to a student. Our volunteer helper said that even though he often gave out his email (or one he made up just for that purpose), the students rarely emailed him. Well, I am 1 for 1 on this. I have put the email below because I think all along I hoped that some girls would look up to me and want my wonderful advice, but with that comes some pressure and some responsibility to handle their problems. I've got to decide what to internalize and what I can reasonably only pray to God about and try to let go. Here is the email:
I am Chinese name is --------.I am from GuangDong Province.I am happy to talk with you.I know my English is poor .I have a dream that I can make a friend with a forigner.May I make friend with you ?I knonw you are very busy ,and we haven't that much things to talk about.My appose is simple.I have a lot of problem,I hope I can ask you ,and you can give me same advice.
I have learned English nine years,but my English is rather bad.Remember that I liked English and my English was always good in my class.But since I come to college,I become lazy and my English is worse and worse.Now I almost lose the feeling of English.But I know English is very important and I also like English.I hope I can get back my feeling and learned English well.
Or you can help me introduce same friends,so I can practice my English.Make more friends.
This is my first time to write to you!
Also, I have added a blog in the links to the left entitled 'China 12: Neijiang writings' that is a blog of student writings compiled by another volunteer. You can really get a glimpse of the lives of the young adults of China through their writings.
Cheers! Gan bei "empty cup"!
Also, I have added a blog in the links to the left entitled 'China 12: Neijiang writings' that is a blog of student writings compiled by another volunteer. You can really get a glimpse of the lives of the young adults of China through their writings.
Cheers! Gan bei "empty cup"!
ReplyDeleteThe Most Dangerous Presidential Candidate
the USA has ever had –
By Jon Christian Ryter
January 16, 2008
In 1991 a young Muslim Harvard Law College graduate named Barack Hussein Obama (who has denied his Islamic past and Muslim roots for as long as he has been a public figure) became a civil rights community activist working out of the Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama worked as a community organizer for Trinity in poor black neighborhoods. Trinity's senior pastor Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr, a black racist, who preached radical Afrocentric theology and didn't mind delivering profanity-spiked sermons found a congregation-builder in Obama. Because of what Wright called Obama's multiple-faith background and his Harvard education, he was a natural community-builder.
When Obama broke onto the national political scene in 2004, not only did he attempt to erase all traces his Islamic childhood, but he also tried to erase the nature of his relationship with Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr, the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ. (When your country is at war with Islamic extremists being a Muslim is not the shortest route to the White House.) Obama has told the media his reason for shielding his pastor was because "...he respected Mr. Wright's work for the poor and his fight against injustice." In reality Dr. Wright's work was to denounce the United States as a white racist nation. That's not good press for an African American candidate who needs to win a majority of the white vote to win the office of President.
It would have been not only natural, but expected, for Barack Obama—when he decided to run for the presidency—to make the announcement from the pulpit of the 8,500 member Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama would later state he did not in order to shield his pastor from the spotlight of the media. Dr. Wright has never shunned positive publicity. It was obvious to the media—in particular the New York Times which noted in an April 20, 2007 article that Obama was very deliberately distancing himself from Jeremiah Wright. Instead, Obama announced his candidacy on the steps of the old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois—where Abraham Lincoln announced his candidacy—on Feb. 10, 2007. Obama sees himself as an archtype of Lincoln who will "free his people from the tyranny of the oppressor." What people are those? The inner city people of color whom Dr. Wright believes are part of the Black Value System? Or does he see himself as the man who will free the Muslim world from the Great Satan since his first action, he says, as President of the United States will be to pull all Americans troops out of the Middle East? The voters need to figure out exactly who Barack Obama's constituents really are because when I add 2 + 2 + Obama, it doesn't come out four.
When Obama's early history and his Islamic upbringing was first reported, Obama's website posted a statement dated Nov. 12, 2007 with the headline: "Barack Obama is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim." The statement reiterated that Obama was not a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.
On Dec. 22 at the Smoky Row Coffee Shop in Oskaloosa, Iowa, the locals asked Obama about his Muslim roots. He said: "My father was from Kenya. A lot of people in his village were Muslim. He didn't practice Islam. Truth is, he wasn't very religious." That was a lie. Obama's father and stepfather were devout Islamics. Both faithfully practiced their religion. His stepfather, who had a much greater impact on Obama's upbringing, was a radical Wahabbi Muslim. "My mother was a Christian from Kansas." That was also a lie. Obama's mother, his material grandmother and grandfather were all atheists. "They married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I've always been a Christian. The only connection I've had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father's side came from that country. But I've never practiced Islam...For a while I lived in Indonesia because my mother was teaching there. And that's a Muslim country. And I went to school—but I didn't practice Islam." Another lie. Obama's mother married Lolo Soetoro, a Wahabbi extremist who lived in Indonesia. When Obama's mother moved to Indonesia—before she married her second Muslim husband—she enrolled her son in Francis Assisis Catholic School. He was enrolled as a Muslim because he was a Muslim. The enrollment form required each student to choose one of five state-sanctioned religions when enrolling: Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Muslim, or Protestant. Had he been a lifelong Christian, or even a recent convert, he—or his mother—would have circled Protestant.
When confronted with this information, Obama said he couldn't understand how such an error could have happened. Los Angeles Times reporter Paul Watson, who dug into Obama's allegation of error, said "...his former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade school teacher as childhood friends, says Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended. The registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion classes. The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque." (Something else Obama claims he never did.) "...Obama's younger sister, Maya Soetoro, said in a statement released by the campaign that the family attended the mosque only 'for big communal events' not every Friday." Obama, who belongs to a church that teaches that the Muslims of the world were wronged by both Israel and the United States, cannot afford to be labeled as a "Muslim" by voters who expect the United States to win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where their sons and daughters are being killed by Muslims.
Jim Wallis, a Christian antipoverty community activist and a friend of Obama's said Obama comes from a very secular, skeptical family. His faith is a personal and adult choice. His material grandparents—who were professing atheists—had previously been Baptist and Methodist. His mother's tutelage leaned towards Islam only because her new husband was an ardent Muslim—and he demanded it.
She was not, however, the docile Muslim housewife most Muslim men expected. Obama's half-sister Maya admitted that her "...whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim." Because religion of any type rubbed his mother the wrong way, when he was 10, Obama's mother sent her son back to Hawaii to live with her parents.
In 2005 Obama met his paternal step-grandmoher (whom he calls his grandmother). Sarah Hussein Obama, 85, who lives in Kenya. She told the New York Times that she is "...a strong believer of Islamic faith," adding that she still rises at 5 a.m. to pray for an hour before tending to her crops and the three orphans she has taken in.
A camera which caught Obama on the political stage during a fund raiser for Sen. Tom Harkin in Iowa with presidential candidates Bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton shows his lack of respect to this nation during the singing of the National Anthem. Angered that the photo was released (and because the reporter erroneously stated the photo was taken during the Pledge of Allegiance rather than the singing of the national anthem, Obama said: "This is the classic dirty trick. This was not the Pledge of Allegiance. The woman was singing the Star Spangled Banner."
As a sign of respect to their nation, many Americans place their hand over their heart when the National Anthem is played as well as when they recite the Pledge. In his case, Obama said "...I was taught by my grandfather that you put your hands over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. The Star Spangled Banner, you sing." Only, when you look at the photo, its very clear that neither Obama nor the others on stage are singing. It was, however, the singing of the national anthem.
All the time he was around either his father or stepfather, Obama was either in Hawaii or Indonesia. Thus, neither his paternal grandfather nor the father of his stepfather would have tutored him on placing his hand over his heart during the US Pledge of Allegiance, nor the singing the American Star Spangled Banner. Rest assured that Indonesian homes don't recite the Pledge or sing the US national anthem. And while Hawaii had been a State for three years before Obama was born, logic suggests its not likely an atheist mother and an Islamic father would teach him to recite the Pledge of Allegiance or sing the Star Spangled Banner.
In his teen years Obama moved back to Honolulu where he lived with his maternal grandparents. In his rebuttal, you will recall, Obama claimed his grandfather had taught him to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge, and to sing the national anthem. History has a problem with that on both sides of the family. Like his mother who was an atheist, so were her parents. Obama's grandmother, he said in interviews, "...was too rational and too stubborn to accept anything she couldn't see, feel, touch or count." His maternal grandfather was also an atheist who "...had an innate rebelliousness and a complete inability to discipline his appetites...who...experimented with marijuana and cocaine." An atheist is not going to teach his grandson to respect the Pledge of Allegiance which pays homage to God.
In August, 2006 US Senator Barack Obama [D-IL] made a special trip to visit a special man in Kenya. The man's name was Raila Amolo Odinga. He is the head of the National Muslim Leaders Forum [NAMLEF] in Kenya. The political party he heads is called the Orange Democratic Movement [ODM]—although there is definitely nothing democratic about his political party of NAMLEF. The ODM is dedicated to overthrowing the legitimate democratic government of Kenya. Odinga is not really concerned how he achieves his objective. It matters little to him if he assumes power through a free election—or by revolution. But, by hook or crook, he is determined to become the president of Kenya. If he succeeds, he will be president for life and Kenya will become another Afghanistan.
When the US Senator visited Kenya to meet with Odinga in Nairobi, the Kenyan government officially denounced the visit. And, most specifically, they denounced Obama. According to a Kenyan government spokesman, Obama's bias for his friend was so blatant that the government found it necessary to complain that Obama appeared to be Odinga's stooge. Not only did Obama campaign for his Islamic friend, he convinced former Clinton adviser Dick Morris to become Odinga's campaign adviser.
Odinga bothers the US State Department for a couple of reasons. First, after losing the democratic election on December 27, Raila Odinga cut a deal for support from Vladimir Putin and the former Soviet Union. Odinga knows he has to overthrow the government to gain power. When he lost the election, he protested that the vote was rigged to keep him from claiming an election he won. He incited his tribal followers to go on a murderous rampage in towns that were primarily Christian. Throughout Kenya, hundreds of people were murdered. What shocked the west is that the Kenyan media—and the political power brokers within the country—out of fear of Odinga, appear to be suggesting that perhaps the election should be held over to stop the violence and the potential for long term Muslim terrorism.
In a wave of violence aimed at protesting what they call the illegal election of newly-elected Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki, a group of Christian women and children—some entire families—barricaded themselves in a church. Muslims, inflamed by Odinga's men, torched the church and burned to death everyone inside. This is the man Obama campaigned for in Kenya, and sang the praises of. This is also the man who claims that Barack Obama is a close, personal friend. Christianity would be outlawed.
There would be a complete ban on the public consumption of alcoholic beverages and a ban on western-style dress for women since this type of garb is considered immoral and an offense to the Muslim faith. Raila Obinga, it seems, would impose the same type of Shariah law that was imposed on Afghanistan by the Taliban. Odinga would degree that no Muslim living in Kenya—whether a citizen, visitor or relative of a citizen of Kenya (such as Obama, whose grandmother is a citizen of Kenya)‚shall be subject to any legal process involving the laws of a foreign country and in particular any Muslim arrested for, or suspected of, terrorism, or of any other international crimes shall only be tried inside the borders of Kenya and shall be granted a competent lawyer of his or her choice at the expense of the government.
The American people need to be asking Barack Obama a whole different list of questions when they attend his political rallies on his quest to become the leader of the free world. They need to ask the man who he really is because, up to this point on the campaign trail, he has lied to them. The American people need to find an honest candidate. Barack Obama is not that man.
© 2008 Jon C. Ryter - All Rights Reserved
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December 18, 2007
Former senator: Obama's Muslim roots 'a substantial strength'
Posted: 07:15 AM ET
Watch former Sen. Kerrey's interview in the Situation Room Monday.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Former senator Bob Kerrey, D-Nebraska, told CNN Monday that Sen. Barack Obama’s Muslim ancestry would add value in conducting American foreign policy if Obama wins the White House.
Obama is Christian but his father was Muslim as is his paternal grandmother and Obama lived in Indonesia, a Muslim country, early in his childhood.
While Kerrey acknowledged “there is a smear campaign going on,” in an effort to use Obama’s background against him, Kerrey told CNN’s John King “I feel it’s actually a substantial strength.” “That connection to Indonesia and a billion Muslims on this Earth, I think is a real strength,” explained Kerrey.
The former senator, who has endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton, also said that “as an African-American,” Obama “can speak in an authentic way to underperforming black youth who I think will follow his example.”
Kerrey spoke with John King Monday on The Situation Room.
Jon Christian Ryter is the pseudonym of a former newspaper reporter with the Parkersburg, WV Sentinel. He authored a syndicated newspaper column, Answers From The Bible, from the mid-1970s until 1985. Answers From The Bible was read weekly in many suburban markets in the United States.
Today, Jon is an advertising executive with the Washington Times. His website, has helped him establish a network of mid-to senior-level Washington insiders who now provide him with a steady stream of material for use both in his books and in the investigative reports that are found on his website.
Senator Barack Obama’s Nation Of Islam Connection Exposed!
Minister Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam
February 5, 2008 – Syndicated columnist Debbie Schlussel broke a story on January 30, on Senator Barack Obama’s close ties with the Nation of Islam (NOI), headed by black racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.
Schlussel interviewed a former Obama insider on the condition of anonymity and learned that contrary to Obama’s recent statements distancing himself from Farrakhan and his anti-Jewish views, the Senator actually has staff members who are NOI members.
According to Schlussel, “… a former Obama insider says that Obama’s sudden aversion to NOI and Farrakhan is belied by the fact that Obama employed and continues to employ several Farrakhan acolytes in high positions on his Illinois and U.S. Senate campaign and office staffs.”
One of those NOI members is Cynthia K. Miller, who served as Treasurer of his Senate campaign. Another NOI member is Jennifer Mason who currently serves as Obama’s Director of Constituent Services and who oversees the hiring of interns for Obama.
The insider also told Schlussel that Obama’s Illinois State Senate district consisted of prime Nation of Islam territory, including Hyde Park where Farrakhan’s mansion is located. According to Illinois politicos, no one can win that district without the blessing of Farrakhan.
Obama’s relationship with recently arrested Tony Rezko is problematic. Rezko is a Syrian Arab who helped Obama purchase his home. In addition, Rezko was in partnership with NOI founder Elijah Muhummad’s son, Jabir.
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)
Sen. Obama’s pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright has been in the news recently over his anti-Israel statements and his recent awarding of a lifetime achievement award to his friend, Louis Farrakhan. The racist head of the Nation of Islam has referred to Judaism as a “gutter religion” and said that whites are only “potential” humans.
Obama issued a statement distancing himself from some of Wright’s anti-semite comments but his employment of NOI members raises questions about his own religious beliefs and views about Israel.
“This newest revelation about Obama’s close ties to the Nation of Islam raises serious questions about his own faith and his views on whites, Israel and our nation’s war against Islamic fascism,” said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon. “Just how many Nation of Islam racists will fill an Obama Administration should he become President of the United States?”
The Nation of Islam is a radical anti-white, anti-Jewish organization, founded by Elijah Muhummad.
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Pushing The Hussein Hot Button
By Nina May
Sunday, March 2, 2008
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There is an elephant in the room that everyone is trying to tiptoe around. Oddly though, it is not a large elephant, stomping around or dropping big elephant surprises . . . until now. Most people know that the past Iraqi Dictator’s name was Saddam Hussein, and ironically, Hussein is Barak Obama’s middle name. If Obama’s first name was Osama, would he be where he is politically, or would he have chosen to use his middle name instead? The fact is though, his name is Barak Hussein Obama.
That elephant was suddenly slapped on the rear by John McCain when he chastised a surrogate for using Barak’s full name, apologizing for the implications, while those inclined to possibly vote for him were reminded of why they won’t. Everyone is missing the obvious point of that entire discussion. If we as a nation are off limits as far as mentioning a possible president’s middle name because it might offend him, and others who have that name and possible evil intent against the nation, then it is a no-brainer that Obama should never be close to that office. If we are censoring ourselves, and implying that to mention his middle name is offensive, inflammatory, derogatory or degrading, then how in the world is he to stand in front of the world and answer the question, “ I Barak Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”? Will he interrupt and make the announcement that we are never allowed to mention his middle name?
Supporters' shadows are cast on a wall against the campaign logo of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) as they listen to him speak at a rally in Selma, Texas February 29, 2008. REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008 (USA)
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But, perhaps it was Machiavellian on McCain’s part to apologize and have us discuss the outrage of chastising someone for speaking the truth, because then it serves to remind people that Barak was raised as a Muslim and spent his young years in a Muslim school. In an interview with the New York Times in 2007, Barak Hussein Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth." He recited, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent," the opening lines of this prayer: "Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is his prophet... "
So, if Barak Hussein Obama is not embarrassed to recite the Muslim prayer in an interview with the New York Times, and identify himself that way, why should John McCain apologize for a surrogate saying his middle name? What is it about politicians and their middle names? The edict went out after Hillary became first lady that the press was commanded to use her middle name, Rodham. Then when she realized there was more currency in the Clinton name, she unceremoniously dropped her middle name and clung to Bill’s. But I am sure McCain would not chastise a surrogate if they happened to refer to her as Hillary Rodham Clinton. So what is it about Barak’s middle name that bothers him so much?
If it was not a strategic move on his part to subconsciously draw attention to the “discomfort” some find with Barak’s middle name, risking the exodus of those who despise political correctness at its core . . .. then what was it? Was it an honest display of the type of leader he would be, reminding us of dangerous appeasers such as Neville Chamberlain who wanted to play nice with blood thirsty dictators, only to find these guys never got the same rule book? Was he trying to show the world that he really is not a grumpy old man but does have a soft fuzzy side? One of his advisors should suggest that this was not the hill to die on for that cause. He could, instead, talk about continuing Bush’s work on fighting AIDs in Africa, or another cause that would make everyone pause, breath a sigh of relief and feel comforted by the fact that he has a heart.
When Fox News aired a report in January claiming that Sen. Barack Obama had been educated at a radical Muslim madrassa, the candidate himself going on television to call it “ludicrous” and a “smear.”
And his aggressive defense worked, or so it seemed at the time: The notion that Obama has secret Muslim roots faded from the mainstream media, and even from most conservative blogs and magazines.
“Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background,” warns an e-mail titled “Who Is Barack Obama,” that was circulating in South Carolina political circles this summer and sent to Politico by a South Carolina Democrat.
The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out; what better way to start than at the highest level?
The other widely forwarded e-mail is titled “Can a good Muslim become a good American” and answers that question in the negative, before concluding: “And Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim, wants to be our president!”
Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist
This morning, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic “madrassa” school as a 6-year-old child.
Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy pointed out that madrassas are “financed by Saudis” and “teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us,” then declared, “The big question is: was that on the curriculum back then?” Later, a caller to the show questioned whether Obama’s schooling means that “maybe he doesn’t consider terrorists the enemy.” Fox anchor Brian Kilmeade responded, “Well, we’ll see about that.”
One caller, referring to Obama, said, “I think a Muslim would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary. At least you know what the Muslims are up to.” Anchor Gretchen Carlson responded, “We want to be clear, too, that this isn’t all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up.”
As a child, Obama spent four years in Indonesia with his step-father, a non-practicing Muslim, and his mother. Between ages 6 and 8, Obama attended a local Muslim school in Jakarta; after that, he was enrolled in a Roman Catholic school. In his book Dreams Of My Father (p.142), Obama writes:
In Indonesia, I’d spent 2 years at a Muslim school, 2 years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Koranic studies. In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I’d pretend to close my eyes, then peek around the room. Nothing happened. No angels descended.
In his more recent book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama writes (p.274), “Without the money to go to the international school that most expatriate children attended, I went to local Indonesian schools and ran the streets with the children of farmers, servants, tailors, and clerks.”
Digg It!
DOOCY: Why didn’t anybody ever mention that that man right there was raised — spent the first decade of his life, raised by his Muslim father — as a Muslim and was educated in a madrassa?
DOOCY: We should also point out that Barack Obama’s father is the one who gave him the middle name of Hussein. And the thing about the madrassa, and you know, let’s just be honest about this, in the last number of years, madrassas have been, we’ve learned a lot about them, financed by Saudis, they teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us. The big question is was that on the curriculum back then? Probably not, but it was a madrassa and the big question is whether or not any of these revelations about the fact that he was a Muslim — right now I understand he does go to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, although not a regular parishioner — but raised as a Muslim, went to a madrassa.
DOOCY: Is it ancient history or do you think madrassa matters. [phone ringing] Josh joins us from Colorado. Good morning to you Josh.
CALLER: What’s up?
DOOCY: What do you think?
CALLER: I think that ultimately this will probably be one of the main reasons is he not elected.
DOOCY: Just the fact that his father was a Muslim, he was raised as a Muslim for awhile, and went to a madrassa school in Jakarta?
CALLER: Right. I mean, you think that would possibly give him better insight on the enemy, maybe he doesn’t consider terrorists the enemy.
KILMEADE: Well, we’ll see about that. Yeah, Josh says that.
CALLER: Hi, good morning. Yes, I think it does matter. The fact that he omitted it must mean that he feels that somebody is going to have an opinion. And President Bush certainly comes under scrutiny, so why shouldn’t he?
KILMEADE: Well, he didn’t admit it. I mean that’s the issue.
CARLSON: Well she said he didn’t.
KILMEADE: Says he didn’t come out, and I was over in Indonesia for five years, or roughly five years, went to a madrassa and there is some reports that Wahhabism was the curriculum there, which is a problem because they start with “We hate America” and work their way back from there.
DOOCY: Well, the way it was framed in one of his biographies, he said, “I was sent first,” this is in Indonesia, “to a catholic school and then to a predominantly Muslim school.” He doesn’t say, “I went to a madrassa, where they taught Wahhabism.” He simply says, “I went to a predominantly Muslim school.”
CFP New Front Page
Democrat Barak Obama
Barack Obama a Muslim apostate headed for the White House?
By Judi McLeod
Friday, March 10, 2006
How does a senator who came from out of the fog land himself front and center on the pages of USA Today, where he's touted as "the new face of change and reform for the democratic party?"
Move over, Hillary, Barak Obama is here.
Some Dems can trump Material Girl Madonna reinventing themselves. During the last presidential campaign, John Kerry made much of having the same initials as President JFK.
Barak Hussein Obama's name only rhymes with Saddam Hussein Osama, but he did try to parallel the life of President Abraham Lincoln with that of his own--and did it in the mainstream media.
As Gateway Pundit aptly points out, "Lincoln was a humble man. He did not compare himself after six months in office to great men from history."
Without the media, could Barak Obama have discovered the fast track to fame?
Looking at his day job, the Senator from Illinois is a senior lecturer in constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Make that the Rockefeller-funded U of C, a school that is Rockefeller down to the bone.
Obama's Dad, a Muslim from Kenya, left home when he was two. His Mom remarried and went with her new husband to Indonesia where Obama lived during his salad years. It is well known that Obama, the teenager lived with his grandparents in Hawaii, where he attended the same school attended by Hawaii royalty. Yet little is known about who Obama's step father was. But some say that he was an Indonesian national and a Muslim.
Still, Obama must have attended school in Indonesia. Is it possible that as a young Muslim boy he went to a Saudi madrassa?
Yes, that's a possibility.
The chapters in the Life and Times of Barak Obama always race ahead. It was during one of those chapters when we found him taking up community organizing in the Altgeld Gardens housing project on the south side of Chicago, when he converted to Christianity, formerly being secular. (
As a fledgling Christian, Obama didn't join just any church. He joined the United Church of Christ.
The United Church of Christ is very anti-Israel and supports divestment. It also sponsors speeches at its many functions by the Arab "Christian" pro-terror religious organization, Sabeel. Sabeel holds some of its biggest meetings in Chicago., (www.scoop.,co,nz/stories/HL0510/500139.htm).
The Democrats attract the majority of Jewish voters and funding, and this guy is being grooned as their golden boy?
Essentially Obama is a Christian convert--but also then a Muslim apostate.
The "What If" category of "the new face of change and reform for the democratic party" doesn't get written up by the mainstream media.
What if Obama is engaged in pious fraud? This is a Muslim practice of pretending not to be Muslim to further the cause of Islam or to "defend the faith". He becomes President and then says, "Gee…I think I want to be Muslim again" after he finds the "football" in his hands that carries the launch codes for the USA nuke forces.
Is the "New Face" theory espoused in USA Today, New Face as in the "Portrait of Dorian Grey"?
What if Obama's into Pious Fraud Islam–Hudaibiyah treaty"kiss the hand of your enemy until you can cut it off"? ( Not Obama? Remember the pictures of the little kids bobbing their heads up and down at the madrassas? They are all of the age Obama would have been in back in Indonesia.
What if the converted-to-Christianity Barak Obama decides to exercise his right to revert back?
President George Bush converted to Methodism and Justice Thomas converted to Catholicism and Jeb Bush did as well.
Then what?
Currently, Obama is an apostate as far as Islam is concerned. This is a fact and not a conspiracy theory. They say all babies are born Muslim but then parents of infidel religions brainwash the baby Muslims into other lesser faiths. That is a fact.
What must be done with an apostate of the Muslim faith? Give him a chance to convert back to Islam.
Obama is soft on the handover of the ports to Dubai.
Obama's Mom met his step Dad at the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii. The Center gets money from Bill Gates, the Rockfellers and, of course the United Nations.
Obama went to Occidental college, whose motto is "West is nearest to the East".
Occidental College has a historic connection to the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now known as SIL International.) Associated with the Rockefellers, SIL has something going on in Dubai (,html,) Scroll down three quarters of the way until you see their blinking pyramid logo.
Meanwhile hype notwithstanding, "the new face of change and reform for the democratic party" is no Abe Lincoln, but could be the most upwardly mobile Muslim of the millennium.
Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, Glenn Beck and The Rant. Judi can be reached at:
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