Friday, April 18, 2008

The Votes Are In

This week in writing class (mixed with current events), we talked about voting and the U.S. presidential election.  First, I gave a very brief overview of voting, and the students talked in groups about the information required to vote.  I asked for examples of information NOT asked for on the forms (passed around the class), and then talked about U.S. voting throughout history.  It hasn't always been the case that economic status, education, gender, etc. played no part in voting registration.  Who knew?

Next I defined the political parties in general terms, and introduced the current candidates.  Students then discussed the platforms given on, and (whoa!) had a class vote for who they think would be the best person for the job.  Who wins?

I teach 7 writing classes.  Congratulations to Obama who won 6 of 7 classes!  Hillary won the other one.  McCain didn't really stand a chance, with his views about Iraq and the Chinese disposition to never meddle in the internal affairs of other countries.  He didn't even get any support when I mentioned that an American pullout in Iraq may allow for a civil war.  In any case, my favorite two things from this week were as follows:

1) Overhearing a female student say of Sen. Clinton's healthcare aims "Providing healthcare to everyone?  That's impossible."

2) Seeing a student vote with his eyes closed: one hand was raised so I could count, and the other held the full-page portrait of Hillary Clinton from our Newsweek (Asia Edition).  He looked like not only was he voting, he was all in.  Next week maybe he'll be in election warpaint holding a homemade poster that says "You go girl!"  Then again, maybe not.

It was a good week!

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