Saturday, August 11, 2007

End of Model School & things to come

Throughout the week when I am away from a computer, I constantly think of things to write, then forget them all. So, first of all:

If you want me to answer any questions on the blog (see following format), just e-mail me with the questions and everyone will be able to read the answers. E-mail me at

What do you eat for breakfast?
We eat crispy fried eggs, oatmeal with hot milk and sugar, instant coffee, and sometimes a slice of bread or sweet roll.

This was our last week of model school, which means we are back to schedule filled with seminars (teaching, health, security) and 4 hours of language. Our model school experience was great; I feel like my students learned something, though I couldn't tell you exactly what. With more time to put together unit plans, and my own class, I'm sure my grasp of meeting objectives will improve. For some pictures of my model school students, please see this website:
Model School Pictures
I will try to add more pictures of Nick's class when we get them from his teaching partner.

Our schedule for the next few weeks is thus:
Aug 13-17: keep a-learnin' & site announcement on Tuesday (=where we'll be for 2 years)
Aug 24-27: visit our future site! get to know apartment, department, supervisors, etc.
Sept 7th: swearing-in as official Peace Corps Volunteers: new perks & regs

Well, keep looking at our pictures. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. your "model school pictures" link doesn't work...I guessed right, the "n" is missing in "alisoninchina." just fyi. nice pics :)
